We now offer two new mapping data files to make planning your next trip to HMT easier!
- Master Trail Inventory- Shape File. This file was created to assist our local 911 dispatch units and first responders. Opening this Shapefile (.shp) requires compatible GIS mapping software.
- Google Earth Total Inventory- KMZ File. This file was created to show all HMT assets in one user-friendly location. All HMT trail systems, trailhead facilities and community connectors can be accessed on this interactive map! To open and read this file, you will need mapping software compatible with the KMZ (.kmz) file format, such as Google Earth.
To access these files, please visit link- https://trailsheaven.com/trail-maps/
To access these files, you must register for an account. Once you create an account, you will receive an email when these files are updated. Please note that these files are frequently updated due to activity on the property such as natural resource extraction and maintenance.